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5 Easy to Do Holiday Snacks that Won’t Damage Your Teeth

It’s nearly impossible to avoid snacking during the holiday season. In times of festivities, there will always be food on the table. Most of the time, the food served is unhealthy and high on sugar, which makes it hard to maintain a healthy diet.

If you are hosting a party in your home, then it may be time to switch things up a bit. Instead of the usual unhealthy feasts, go for nutritious alternatives that your guests will appreciate. With a little bit of research, you can whip up delicious snacks for your next holiday party.

Here are five easy-to-do healthy holiday snacks that won’t harm your family’s health and smile:

1. Pita Treat Appetizers

Pita treats are not only healthy; they also look really festive when served. Buy ready-made pita bread to save time. Cut them in tree shapes and set aside while you prepare the toppings. Mix low-fat, nutritious ingredients like guacamole and low-fat sour cream. Generously spread the mixture on top of the pita cutouts and finish with bell peppers arranged as tree garlands.

2. Egg Snowmen

Egg snowmen treats are one of the easiest healthy snacks that anyone can do. Eggs are a great source for Vitamin D and protein – two important components for strong, healthy teeth. Boil eggs for 8-10 minutes to produce a hard-boiled result. Use peppercorns as the snowman’s buttons and sliced carrots as the nose, giving the eggs a more detailed look.

3. Cheesy Reindeers

Calcium-rich snacks are perfect to strengthen teeth. This is easily done with cheesy treats that will go great with wine. Cheesy reindeers can be prepared in just around 5 minutes and do not require any cooking. Just prepare bite-sized triangle cheese and add olives to detail the eyes and nose. Use salted pretzels as the reindeer’s ears.

4. Olive Penguins

Black olive penguins make great table toppers and are also look super adorable when served. Aside from improving bone health, black olives also have high antioxidants, which can help lower blood cholesterol. To make a black olive penguin, you need two olives – the base body should be sliced in half and filled with cream cheese in the center; the head is a smaller whole olive skewered on the base with a toothpick. Use sliced carrots for the feet and beak.

5. Grinch Poppers

This snack is another great alternative to sugary treats. Grinch poppers can be made with green grapes or olives, which will serve as the head of the Grinch. Top with a triangle-shaped strawberry cut out layered with a banana slice and a mini marshmallow, skewered together to form a Christmas hat.
Dental hygiene is important all year long and not just during the holiday season. To ensure that your smile remains healthy and cavity-free, make regular brushing and flossing an everyday habit. Also, visit the dentist twice a year to have your teeth checked and cleaned thoroughly.

Dr. Kandkhorov

Published by
Dr. Kandkhorov

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