What You Need to Know About Mouthguards Before Buying

Posted on: August 10, 2019

Mouthguards are one of the most important accessories an athlete can have. If you are active in sports, then you probably know the importance of protecting your teeth during training or contact sports. Not doing so can result in unattractive dental injuries that can cost thousands of dollars to repair.

The best way to ensure your pearly whites remain healthy, strong and unbroken is by wearing a mouthguard when playing sports. With its protective soft gel design, this helpful accessory minimizes the blow of an impact so your teeth don’t break and shatter.

Mouthguards come in many different shapes, sizes and designs. The wide range of options caters to all kinds of athletes, from professionals to newbies in training and even kids.

Mouthguard Options

The stock type is one of the most common ones that you see in sports stores. These are made pre-formed and not customizable. Because of its pre-made design, stock mouthguards do not provide the best fit.

The boil and bite type of mouthguard provides a better custom fit, making it a popular option amongst athletes. This is specially constructed to be molded even at home, with only hot water. The custom fitted design is able to offer a more comfortable and personal fit.

The best and also most expensive is the custom fit mouthguard, which is usually designed by dentists or custom fitters. Because of the labor required for this design, the product can take weeks to finish. Aside from the custom fit, several pros also have the design personalized with their own logos, names or graphics.

Mouthguard Care

While most high-quality mouthguards are built to last, they still require proper care and maintenance. Neglecting your mouthguard not only lessens its lifespan, it can also breed bacteria in your mouth. A dirty mouthguard will spread harmful bacteria inside your oral cavity, which can just damage your teeth in the long run.

Here’s what you can do to properly care for your mouthguard:

  • Brush your teeth thoroughly before and after using the mouthguard.
  • Keep the mouthguard dry, clean and properly stored after using it.
  • Use cool water for rinsing, as hot water can cause it to become deformed.
  • Never place it under direct heat.
  • Check for signs of damage regularly.
  • Replace the piece when necessary.

This accessory may seem like such a small and simple thing but it does such a big job in protecting one of the most important parts of the face. Together with strong training and technique, investing in the right sports equipment like mouthguards will help boost your overall performance.